Health Benefits of Plants

With cold and flu season in full swing, we’re all looking for ways to give our bodies an extra boost of immunity in these winter months. Vitamins, exercise and healthy foods are all great tools to protect yourself against illness, but there’s another resource people often forget about – plants.

Using plants for medicinal purposes is not a new discovery. For many years scientists and doctors have used plants in medicine and therapies around the world. However, plants can have an impact on your health just by living in your home. Below are some physical and mental benefits of surrounding yourself plants.

Allergy Relief

While you might think plants will increase your allergy symptoms, studies have shown that rooms with plants have less dust and mold than rooms without. Leaves and other sections of plants act as a natural filter - catching allergens and other airborne particles.

Recommended Plant: Peace Lily

Peace lilies, also known as spathiphyllum, are low-maintenance plants that are best know for purifying and removing mold spores from the air.


Immune Support & Digestion

Not only do herbs add flavor to a meal, they also aid with digestion, immune support, respiratory support and more. These plants play a vital role in keeping your body healthy. Some herbs can also be used to reduce stress and anxiety, which are two issues that work to deplete your body’s immune system.

Recommended Plant: Thyme

Thyme is the perfect herb to boost your immune system by fighting off colds and infections, easing an upset stomach and calming the nervous system. This herb is also a low-maintenance plant that enjoys a lot of sunlight.


Physical Healing

There are a large variety of plants that possess medicinal qualities. Lemongrass, roses, and marigolds are just a few examples. These medicinal plants offer several healing properties including toxin reducing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Recommended Plant: Aloe Vera

One of the most popular among healing plants is Aloe. Perfect for healing sunburn, cooking burns or other skin irritations, this plant makes for beautiful décor and it’s low maintenance. Aloe vera thrives in dry environments with a lot of sunlight.


Emotional Health

Emotional Health. Studies have shown that plants have several emotional benefits in addition to the physical advantages. Plants are shown to reduce feelings of anxiety and depression, boost productivity and creativity and increase concentration. Owning and caring for plants is proven to increase overall happiness and a healthy mind cultivates a healthy body.

If you want to increase your physical and mental health in the new year, we have plenty of plants to get you started. We have all the plant care essentials and experienced professionals ready to assist you. Here’s to a healthy and new year full of growth!

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